"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Zoo Field Trip and Bazaar

So these are a little late... they both were sometime in Early June. Oops. I kind of forgot about these pictures, so here they are better late than never.

The first group is from our Zoo field trip at Everland. It was sad because it rained the WHOLE time we were there. Nothing like going to the zoo in the rain. Luckily they provided us all with awesome ponchos!

This is Daniel... one of my favorite little babies :)

Jemin and Sarah waiting to go in... staying (kind of) dry.

All our kiddos lined up to go in. It was next to impossible to tell which kids were mine and which belonged to another teacher... pure craziness!

Ian, Paul and David

Andy and Emma... Emma is sooo cute.

On the safari! It was super cool. There were Lions, Tigers and Bears (oh my!) and giraffles, elephants, and Emus I think. The bears came up to the drivers window and ate. Very neat!

Jeong Yoon on the bus safari ride

Joyce visiting the monkeys

Youna and Joyce in the monkey house

Grace with the fishies.

Paul... such a good looking kid and so smart. love him!

Andrew... he's always in "Andrew world" I wish I knew what was going on in his head. Apparently he's extremely smart. Like almost genius level. He can read full sentences in English while the rest of the kids are still working on letter recognition... whoa.

David and Ian at the fish tank.

This is a really random picture, but Amy sent me some things to make hair accessories, so I was just trying it out. These are the first 2 (and only 2 *^^* that I've made so far! haha)

The next pictures are from our school Bazaar. This was probably one of the coolest things CCA does. Mostly it's cool because it's a school day that we don't have to teach :)

Basically all the classes (every homeroom has a class name... mine is Dandelion class) have mom's that volunteer to think of a product to sell. Some fun ones were CCA umbrellas, swimsuits (most of the kids take swim class), hair bows, CCA safari hats, plants... basically all kinds of things! On the day of the bazaar, every class sets up their booths and sells their products. The profits go to help the school. For this year it was to remodle the gym, which definitely needs to be done, by the way. All the teachers are also in charge of working at certain things. Kindergarten was in charge of the Cambodia booth, where people could give money for missions.

Here's Caroline all dressed up for working at the booth...

While I wasn't working the booth, we were allowed to play and buy stuff. I was enjoying some pineapple on a stick here...yummy. Oh, and aren't these pastel orange polos fantastic?? I'm going to be wearing it all the time back at home for sure :)

Erin enjoying something Korean and noodly... haha

Part of the bazaar... it was super packed out!

I saw some of my kiddos (all CCA students are required to attend the bazaar at some point) while I was working the booth! Jemin is on my left, and Paul on my right.

Me and my Joyce... she had just visited the hair curling booth :)

Carolina, Me and Erin... love them!

Cassia, Halley, and Erin working our Cambodia booth.

Me and my Jeong Yoon... she was clearly happy to see me

Cameron came by the bazaar just in time to nail Ken in the face with a sponge at his booth. I'm not sad I didn't get to work this booth!

Well, that's all for this update. I should probably go to bed or something... No school tomorrow! Yippee! I can't wait.

It was weird, I posted my moving sale on facebook today, and it's making it feel more real that I'm leaving :/ I'm not sad, it's just a weird feeling to be closing this chapter....

I'll write again soon. Have a great week! 24 days left in Korea!

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