"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So, tonight at Bible study, a close friend of mine said this:

"I want to be used by God in the way He made me."

It really got me thinking. Alot. You know, we're all created so uniquely and individually... each with our own spiritual gifts. I feel like I haven't quite figured what mine are exactly. I know what people say I'm good at, and maybe what I'm "supposed" to be doing, but I haven't felt that direct calling from the Lord. I keep saying, "Lord! Lord! I'm waiting and willing! Please use me!" but I'm stuck in that in between, not really knowing what's next, and not really knowing where to go from here. Like my friend, I desperately want to be used by God, and I want it to be in the way He intricately designed me to be used! I guess for now I'm patiently waiting for that moment when God decides to fill me in, and the one thing I know for sure is I want to be able to say, "I'm ready!"

I want to share this exerpt from my quiet time tonight as well:

"The good will or plan of God is precisely what Jesus clung to as he endured persecution and faced the brutal reality of the cross...God was reconciling the world to himself through the ageless plan of redemtion. The same Father has crafted a noble plan for you. It may cover some perplexing terrain, but it is the best possible plan you could conceive, perfectly designed by a loving God. He promises you eternal and abundant life (John 10:10), a life so rich and rewarding that it exceeds your wildest anticipation. All he asks is that you turst him moment by moment to execute his purposes while resisting feelings of despondency and despair. The Hold Spirit will renew your mind with the encouraging power of Scripture, and you will progressively come to know and experience the good, acceptable, and pleasant will of God--His best for you." -Charles Stanley A Touch of His Goodness

1 comment:

Mark C said...

Direction NSEW <-> Being ready is a great place to be. What if though, being a Godly woman teaching at a Christian academy is His plan right now. So, just being a great teacher and ambassador in S. Korea for God is a good thing and good direction. Proud papa.