So if you haven't heard the amazing news, I'M MOVING TO A NEW APARTMENT! YAYYYYYYY! How did this happen you might ask??? Well, at my end of the year review mtg, I mentioned that I had a really hard time living in my apartment because it's TINY. I just explained that I might not want to stay at CCA one more year if I had to stay in that place. I really didn't think it would do anything mentioning it, because that's kind of how things go around here, but it made me feel better just to talk to them about it. BUT much to my surprise, I got a phone call two days later saying they had a new apartment for us! Woohoo! It's in Acropark which is AMAZING. It's so beautiful and I can't wait to show you all pictures when I move in. The kicker though is that I had to have everything I own here COMPLETELY packed and ready to move by Tuesday. I have a big thing Monday night, so that only gave me Saturday and Sunday to pack. Let's just say I procrastinated on Saturday and I might not have done any packing, so I did all of it today. The only thing I have left to pack is my desk, and that shouldn't take too long. Also, I have Caroline to thank for helping me pack up the kitchen on Friday night! I'll be home in 2 days. I absolutely cannot believe it!!! CRAZY! It's going to be a whirlwind these next two days before I make it home. I have to dance in a talent show at CCA with 7 other kindergarten teachers. AHHH. Scary. Hopefully no one I know is there! haha. If you're lucky, maybe I'll get someone to video it :)
So, I got my haircut this week. It's really short. I'm turning in to my sister... every time she gets her hair cut it gets shorter and shorter! haha. And this is post packing all day... so don't judge me! Have a great week! See you REALLY soon! Oh, and sorry there's no pictures, I accidentally left my camera at school on Friday...
Yay for Acropark! I'm so excited for you!
hair looks really cute! so excited about the new apt. can't wait to see it! see you really soon!
Excited for you on the apt! Glad CCA came through for you. Can't wait to give you a hug at DFW tomorrow! We'll make your time at home as great as we can. Fly safe. L U D
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