"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Falling is cool

Yesterday I fell. Twice.

It was awesome, and I am awesome.

The first one was the best, so I feel like I should describe it in full detail. Here's the scene. I am walking to the dry cleaners after school, so I'm carrying a giant neon green bag full of dirty clothes. That in itself has to look pretty cool. Then, I hear someone yell, "where are you going?!?" I turn to find that it's another kindergarten teacher driving home in her car (I won't name names because she was sneaking out early!). I tell her, and she asks me if I would like a ride. Of course I accept, and in my excitement, I run towards her car. Only my shoes (new ones btw), did not agree with my running, apparently. I proceed to fall on top of the hood of her car (with a loud thumpt) and then proceeded to fall onto the road. I quickly recovered, playing it "cool" to hide my hurt and embarrassment. Nothing can beat the look of shock on that teacher's face when I got into her car. I know she was thinking, "OH MY GOODNESS, did that really just happen???" (In Korean, of course). It was truly one of my finest moments while living in Korea. The real travesty is that I ruined my new pair of boots by scraping them on the pavement. :(

Round two happened in my neighborhood after seriously freaking out a lady by trying to carry one of her really heavy bags. I guess that's what I get for trying to be helpful. Korea said no, no, no, you should fall again. That's the last time I try to help someone with their bags.... :)

The end.

Oh, and another super cool thing happens this week (this really is cool, no sarcasm here). Basically, CCA wants to encourage their employees to better themselves (whether it's travel, health, entertainment, etc) so once a year they allow you to turn in reciepts from stuff you've done to better yourself. Up to 300,000 Won! That's around $300! Woohoo! Lucky for me, I never clean out my purses, so with a little digging, I was able to scrounge up over a hundred dollars worth of movie tickets, bus and train tickets, and sight seeing tickets after digging through all my bags. Apparently it pays to not throw away your trash around here! And after I include my reciepts from my Hong Kong trip last semester, I will have definitely acquired 300,000 Won. Woohoo! That's like an end of the year present from CCA! So excited.

That's all now. It's late again. I need to stop doing this. I'll be at home sleeping in my own bed at this time two weeks from now. Hooray!


Anthony said...

Haha! Even though you had already told me, I laughed really hard when I read your first falling story.

Joanne said...

You're hilarious at telling your stories even though they are really not funny for you! I love how you can be so cool about your embarassing times! I'm guessing you didn't hurt yourself in these falls? Way to go CCA in giving you $300! That's awesome! I love you and will see you soon! Yea!! Mom

Mark C said...

Old Chinese saying "when in new shoes a wise person no run run run until shoes feel berry good" HA. SOOOO glad you didn't fall and break something. It probably makes a great story for the K teacher to at least 100 people...$300 bucks for doing fun things? AWESOME. C U SOON. LU D

Leanna Reynolds said...

Ash, I laughed out loud. You crack me up. Glad you were not hurt bad so sorry about your new boots. See you soon. Love ya