"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh, teaching how you kill me

My yummy dinner that I made last week. Pretty American I would say... haha.

Anthony and our friend NaRae at Karaoke (I know, yes we went again)

Me and NaRae! Thanks to her I got a cell phone this weekend!!! She saved my life!! I finally feel connected to the rest of the world again!

Woohoo! Karaoke again!

I don't know why they look like that ?

This is when we went to Seoul yesterday (Insadong to be exact)

Anthony and Ken at a tea place we went to

Cameron and I at the tea place...

This was some kind of furry looking candy that we bought off the street. I felt like I was eating a little furry animal, but it tasted like some kind of peanut butter or something.... I actually liked it, minus the texture.

Anthony being a creeper... as usual. I don't think Ken even knew that Anthony was doing this. I think that hook is some kind of back scratcher or something....

Cameron trying on some very "Korean" glasses. These are very popular here... even if you don't need glasses, just wear them without prescription.

I don't know?? this was so random...

Cameron was a little tall for these ceilings! haha!

The piano road!

Our dinner... some kind of spicy chicken something... It was pretty good. I didn't really love the noodles though... they were slimy and gummy

Our friend Lisa who lives in Seoul... and teaches at CCA

Seoul station where we took a train back to Suwon.

Well everyone... I completed my first week of teaching. Let's just say it wasn't easy at all. My kids are crazyyyyyyyyyy. I pretty much wanted to cry after all of my classes because my kids are just running around and won't listen to me. Hopefully this will get better as time goes by and they get used to me and going to English class. I also have no Korean teacher in the class with me, so there is no translation, and no one to help with discipline. Goodness, I hope next week is better.... please pray for me!!!! I now have to go write a zillion lesson plans, I'm way behind! Love you all and miss you lots!

Also, for those who check my blog for updates on Anthony and Cameron, they are doing really well, just staying VERY busy!!!

Please keep praying for all of us as we adjust to our crazy kids and schedules. Pray that we will be wise in our decisions, and that we will have the energy to persevere through the week! Lastly, I want to leave everyone with an encouraging verse a very dear friend reminded me of today:

Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time..."


amymichelle said...

Sister! I love your photos! Oh Korea you are so funny! Call me soon, and we will figure out how to solve all these little children discipline problems. I'm glad you have some new friends, that part sounds fun, if not the teaching part! Love you and miss you!

Kristin Ray said...

hopefully the running around and being crazy will end soon. I know my thai kids wailed for two weeks straight (i had 2-3 year olds). but after that little hurdle they were so sweet and I genuinely became attached to every one of them. it will get better.

your sis gave me your prayer card for my fridge. I promise I am not a stalker, I am just so interested in your life. if you need anything or need anyone to talk to that has been there I am so available for you. I know my time in thailand was SSSOOOO lonely but wonderful.

god will not give you more than you can handle. he sees you and knows you.

now i'm rambling. bye!
~Kristin Ray

Leanna Reynolds said...

Hey Sweetie,
I love looking at your blog. You are good about giving us an overall picture of what you are doing. I am praying for you that the days teaching will get easier. I am sure they will, once everyone gets used to the routine. I would love to send you some things from home but maybe you could give me some ideas. Of course I could just ask your mom. I wanted you to know that I love you, miss you and am praying for you. Take Care. Leanna