I have a lot to say, but first, a picture update is definitely in order. These pics are from the last 2 weeks here.
The first two are from my weekend in Daegu getting my TESOL certification with Caroline

We were clearly excited about our fancy room and robes! This place had the BEST shower ever, and coming from my apt, it was soooo refreshing! Also the beds were so fluffy and warm which is really unusual for Korea...

When we first arrived, we were so excited because there were Christmas lights!
These next pics are from our DBU Thanksgiving celebration last Tuesday. It was so lovely, and we had a surprise guest (Gracie), so it was such a wonderful time with my family here in Korea.

Kathy the cook. As usual.

Enny did a great job cutting our "turkeys" that were really chicken.

Anthony and Alyssia entertaining the kiddos (Helen and Peter Lee's). Looks like they were seeing what they could do with their hands?

Then they played Jenga...

The spread.. complete with mashed potatoes, chicken, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, green bean casserole, stuffing, bread, sweet potatoes, and apple cobbler. YUM!

I think Anthony really missed gravy.

Don't be fooled, this is not my plate. Mine was much emptier, just like it would've been at home :) I just had already finished my food.

Cameron and I...

Anthony and I...

Cameron, Me, Gracie, and Anthony right after she told us she was Engaged!!!

Yay! Gracie's getting married in Jan! She's so cute!
The next series are from Friday. Stephanie, Cameron, Anthony, Me, and Ken ventured to Seoul to eat at this REALLY yummy meat place Ken had told us about. Thanks tour guide, Ken! Basically at this restaurant, they just walk around with all kinds of meat on skewers, and you can have all you want. It's my dream restaurant! You don't even have to think about eating veggies!

One side of the table... the cool side we'll say.

The other side of the table... the uncool side, we'll say.

The first thing you get is a steak. YUM! It was sooo good.

The next thing we got we got was sirloin. It was the BEST by far, but we only got it once... they ran out :(

Me enjoying my meat! So good!

Outside the restaurant. Ken, Steph, Anthony and Cameron.

Anthony, Me and Ken somewhere in Seoul...

Me and Tones in front of pretty lights!

Texas Moon! We were excited at least...
We ended up in a Board Game Room. This is awesome, and America should have them. Basically, you pay like $2 an hour and can play any games that they have. I want to go every weekend. Love it.

All the Koreans were playing poker type games, and we decided to play Tumbling Monkeys. Jeaouls? Anthony was mesmorized, apparently.

Stephanie, Cam, Me, and Ken before we played Jenga.

They give you a hammer with Jenga so you can beat the loser. Muahaha.
So we played Jenga with consequences. I'm very proud of this one that I made up. If you made the tower collapse, you had to go hug the life-size nutcracker that was right by the doorway, pretty much in front of the whole room. It was awesome. Stephanie lost first! It was soooo amusing watching her do this.

It's not the clearest picture, but this is Steph hugging the nutcracker. YES.

Tones is the Jenga master. Seriously.

Stephanie afraid she will have to hug the nutcracker again... will she?

Sucess! Ken ended up hugging the nutcracker too... I missed the photo op though... sad day.
These last pics are from our CCA Thanksgiving celebration... We could bring friends, so I brought Anthony and Cameron. This was my first big event I planned as Social Coordinator, and I felt like it was a success! We had about 30 people show, and there was plenty of food! That equals goodness to me!

Mark this day, they peeled potatoes! They did a great job helping with the Cheesy, Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

Anthony's going to be a good Daddy... so cute.

Ken and Cameron...

Me and Tones! Someone told us we looked like siblings (He is the closest thing I have to a brother!) because we smile the same and we smile with our eyes... we've never gotten that before, but I'll take it as a compliment :)

Carolina and Cameron enjoying the appetizers.

The spread! It was soooo good! So many different foods! I didn't know we could pull it off so easily in Korea.

More of the food!

Me, Cam, and Anth. What a wonderful way to spend a Thanksgiving away from home! I love them!

The whole gang minus all the kiddos and Cameron (he took a bathroom break at the wrong time)
Whew. This took forever. Hope you enjoyed! So glad it's Friday tomorrow! 2 more weeks of teaching until I get home!!! I can't believe it! YAY!!!!!