"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Perfect Day!

waiting for our train to Seoul station... we were on our way to Yoinaru Stn to go to Hangang Park!

the boys waiting for the train...

we found a cool sculpture? on a detour we took.

Kathy, me, Steph, and Daniel... a jumping picture of perfection

renting our bikes!!! Yay!

It's always been me and steph's dream to ride a two person bike! It really is the funnest! You're never alone! haha. So much fun!

Stopping to enjoy our picnic of sandwiches, fruit, and chips!

Eating right on the water of the Han River! So beautiful!

Kathy and Steph were spinning in excitement

Kathy got the cutest red bike ever... too bad it was rather difficult to ride

Anthony and Daniel got boy bikes.

Daniel decided to give the two seater a try

Cherry Blossoms!!! So wonderful!

Beautiful ladies with beautiful flowers :)

I really have no idea what this means?

Stephanie and Kathy rockin the two seater

We found a park on our bike ride and decided it was the perfect place to stop and have some fun!

Anthony and Stephanie jumping..

Kathy and Daniel's jumps

Grassy area full of... wait... what are these called again?

Me and Stephy

On our way back to the subway station! What a PERFECT PERFECT day!!! Definitely my favorite in Korea thus far!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So I decided to accept the embarrassment that is sure to come with this story, solely for your amusement.

This morning was like every other morning. Hear the alarm. Push the snooze. Push the snooze again. Push the snooze one more time. Still sleep for 5 more minutes without the snooze, and end up sleeping 10 minutes. Look at the clock and realize I have 20 minutes before I need to be leaving the house. Literally jump out of bed frantically and run to the bathroom. Brush teeth. Contacts. Choose hair accessory. But wait. My ears feel like they need cleaning. Do I have time? No. Do I make time? Yes. Do I regret this decision? Yes.

In goes the qtip, out comes the qtip. I look down, and something strange has happened. The qtip no longer has the cotton. Oh my goodness it's in my ear. What do I do? Like any other person (or is it just me?), I immediately start freaking out thinking that it's going to be stuck in there for life. I try everything... fingers... tweazers... nothing. By this point I have 5 minutes to do my makeup, get dressed and run to the bus stop. I try to forget that there's a piece of cotton stuck in my ear, but it's a little difficult to forget something like that.

I get to school and debate quietly in my head whether or not I should tell anyone this story. But it was too ridiculous of a story to resist. I tell Caroline, and she immediately starts freaking out and tells me I need to quickly go see the school nurse. Of course, I make her come with me.

I feel like a child who has stuffed a marble into my ear as I step into the nurses office, afraid to tell her my story. With the help of my favorite translator, the nurse chuckles and she reaches for her ear checker, for lack of better words. She peers into my ear, and chuckles some more. There's nothing in there she says. But just in case, she lets Caroline look into my ear to see if she sees anything. "Nothing but wax," she says. The nurse explains that it probably came out or was never stuck in there in the first place, and that the pressure I feel is probably psycological. At this point, I feel like the lamest, most ridiculous 23 year old on the planet.

I go through the rest of my day, as normal as possible, trying to forget that I might be imagining something stuck in my ear. Lucky for me, today just happened to be a super long day filled with meetings, a bridal shower, and a practice. By the end of all this, somewhere around 5:30, my ear starts pulsing a little bit. I feel a lot of pressure, and I'm certain that I can't be imagining it. I tell my trusty coworker, Carolina, and once more, she tells me this is an emergency and I should high tail it to the nearest doctor.

I heed her advice, and quickly rush over to my neighborhood ear, nose, and throat doctor. As I sit patiently in the waiting room, my anxiety continues to build as I try to come up with a reasonable story for why there is something stuck in my ear. I conclude that honestly truly is the best policy, and come clean of the morning's happenings. For the second time that day, I am laughed at by a medical professional. He looks in my ear, chuckles some more, and shoves something practically into my brains (or so it felt like it). Suddenly, my hearing, which I didn't realize was suffering, magically reappered. On the tip of his prober was the small, fluffly, round, cotton that made it's home in my ear canal for the day.

Moral of the story: Never trust a Korean Qtip.

The End

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Aren't my kiddies just so precious?? I love them all dearly :) Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Picture update

Pictures from my birthday party last week....
Lucky me, I got to wear this huge bow while they sang to me

The Friday's staff singing to me...

all the peeps

Happy birthday to me!

With Tony and Steph

Anthony and Ken came!

Kathy and Daniel too!

and me and Juan... he's so fun

And then... the next night my coworkers took me out :)

Carolina and Erin

Krista and I... not coworkers anymore, but still are at heart :)

I'll post again this weekend... I have SO many pictures to put up... but generally speaking I have no life on the weekends, so I should have ample opportunities to update. Miss you all... GLEE tomorrow! AND Lauren comes in 18 days!!! YAY!