"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Confessions of the fat teacher...

Exhibit A: REALLY crowded amusement park (Everland).

Exhibit B: Really sad girl second from the left, Yeh Joon. (I think this picture was an omen of what was to come)

Pause from the missing child story to look at my sweet Jean. Love her.

My other favorite student. Min Joon. He's SOOO cute.

Jean and Yoon Ah riding a ride just before the "incident" occured.

So, story time. For security purposes I changed the names in this story. Haha.

One beautiful spring day, an English teacher and her students went on a zoo adventure into the Korean theme park, Everland. The park is a zoo and an amusment park. 2 for the price of one. Anyway, the English teacher was frustrated the whole day because her Korean partner, a homeroom teacher, was walking SO fast the whole day. She thought to herself, common, they're FIVE. How could they possible move their little legs that fast? This power walk continued throughout the day, much to the English teacher's dissatisfaction. Although the pace was annoying, it was a really good day. The English teacher loved getting a day off with her kids away from teaching. However, this happy story was about to reach its demise. Korean teacher did not keep track of time and the class was running very late getting to the buses. So, of course, Korean teacher starts HAULING it towards the entrance of the park. At this point, the English teacher noticed two little boys unwilling to walk that fast and keep up. So, she stops, puts one boy on her back, and basically drags the other to try to catch up with the speedy gonzales heading up the group. When English teacher and said children FINALLY reach the group, kids start saying, "teacher, teacher, Yeh Joon is missing." The English teacher thinks carefully about this and wants to see if the Korean teacher knows. The Korean teacher says, "Yeh Joon is missing." But, what happens next really startles the English teacher. The Korean teacher keeps walking like nothing happened! So, the English teacher decides she must've misunderstood (which happens like 1090398472934 times a day, so nothing new) and keeps on walking. She thinks, maybe she meant Yeh Joon is with another teacher. However, children keep saying to the English teacher, "Yeh Joon is missing!" It is at this point that the class finally reaches the front gate. The Korean teacher then procedes to tell the English teacher that she should go back and look for the lost child. This is when panick mode sets in with the English teacher. She thinks to herself, "how will I find a child in these thousands and thousands of people? I don't even know the park. What am I supposed to do? I can't even read Korean? How will I find my way out of here??? AHHHH." Basically, English teacher begins to really freak out and starts running through the park to find Yeh Joon. She calls English teacher 2, Caroline, and explains the situation. However, Caroline exclaims the good news that Yeh Joon had been found in the lost and found and everything was okay. The scared and flustered English teacher makes her way through the maze that is Everland and finally gets back on the bus.

The End.

And these are two boys sleeping on the bus on the way back to school. So precious!

So that was my week last week.

Memorable quotes from these week:


Justin and Joo Ha: "Teacher Ashley, you are a tomato."
Teacher Ashley: "Why sweetheart?
Justin and Joo Ha: "Because you are so round."

Teacher Ashley: "Justin and Joo Ha, where are Kyung Yoon, Gi Min, Jin Hee, and Jong Woo?"
Justin and Joo Ha: "You're probably hiding them in your stomache. "

My kids are so nice right? Love being called fat by 6 year olds.

Tuesday: *After a much heated argument between Teacher Caroline and Teacher Krista about flashcards:
Teacher Ashley: "Don't bring my flashcards into this."

I felt like such a nerd after that. So awesome.

Ok, that's it for my week. I hope this gave you as much joy as it did me. Ha.

Oh, and I know you are all dying to see my awesome pink bike with a cute basket, but my camera died and my charger is MIA for the time being. I'll try to update more often :)


Joanne said...

Ash, you're so funny!Loved the story! Please don't be discouraged with your bad days just remember the good ones! You're a blessing to these kids whether they realize it yet or not! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the bike. I love you! You're the best and perfect to me! Miss you lots!


allye said...

i wanna come to korea and show those kids a thing or two.

love you.

Unknown said...

i laughed out loud reading this, you are so funny!! i never wanted to punch a korean kid until i read your blog.

Anthony said...

Your kids are cute...but not quite as cute as mine. Just saying.
