"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Can't sleep...

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you well. It's 1:30 in the morning and I have to be up at 6, so that's neat. This morning I slept through my alarm and woke up at 1:30 pm. I must've been DEAD. I didn't wake up once in the night. I was so shocked when I woke up and realized Sunday was half way over. Ooops. And now, I am paying for it. I did an intense cleaning/organizing of my room and closet, and I'm still not sleepy. Oh man. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOATHE Mondays?? Only 3 more of them until I'm home. Yippee. I don't know who's idea it was to put 7am chapel on a Monday, but whoever they are, they are bonkers. I don't think any CCA employee would say they enjoy being at school by 7am on a MONDAY morning. Ridiculous.

Anyway, I had a fantastic weekend. Well a fantastic week really. Mostly due to being reunited with a friend here that we haven't seen much of in a long time. I'm pretty sure we've hung out everyday since last Friday, and it's been so good. So thanks, Ken. He is responsible for my new addiction to the show Glee. If you don't watch it, you should. I find it so hilarious. Maybe that's because it's about a show choir, and I was in a show choir, but who really knows? It's like a TV show that's a musical. That's just magical to this music lover. Basically I got no sleep this week due to late night game nights and nights filled with watching Glee and hanging out, but it was worth it! I finally feel like I have a life again here, and I can only praise God for bringing an old friend back at EXACTLY the right time. I was starting to feel so issolated here, but these past couple of weeks have been fantastic. Praise the Lord.

There's a lot to look forward to these next two weeks as well: tomorrow night... girls night (dinner, sharing time, and working out!), Tuesday night: prayer walking in Seoul, Wed night: finale of the Biggest Loser!!!!!!, next Monday: ET Christmas party/gift exchange, Tuesday: Kindergarten Teachers Christmas Dinner at a fancy restaurant... and I'm sure there will be much fun to be had in between all of the above! We have to finish our season of Glee as well :)

So this weekend we planned a trip to Seoul to do some Christmas shopping (which I failed miserably at), and it turned out to snow!!! I was waiting for Cameron and Steph at the bus stop, and all of the sudden it just started snowing! It was sooo beautiful to see the snow coming down soooo hard for a while there. I felt like I was in a Christmas card. Then we went to Insadong, and Myeongdong, and it was magical! It FINALLY felt like Christmas! Here's some pics from the weekend... Enjoy :)The snow... the pic definitely didn't do it justice... it was REALLY snowing!

Cameron and Steph before we got on the bus! Oh, and yes, Cameron's hat has reindeer on it.

Cameron and I in Insadong. It was soooooo COLD. I had to by a hat, scarf and mittens. I was clearly not prepared.

Post buying my hat (comeplete with llamas on it), massive scarf, and mittens. This is in front of Forever 21 in Myeongdong.

Ended the night with Quiznos. Oh my goodness I loved my life so much at this point. They had ranch. It was sooo tasty... almost just like home! Then, we got free Krispy Kreme donuts. Amazing day filled with shopping, western food, snow, and good company! Yay!

Well that's all for now! I hope you have an amazing week! I miss you all sooo much! T-minus 15 days til I'm HOME! I can't wait! Pray that these last two weeks fly by!!!

Song for today:
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Steven Curtis Chapman (Listen HERE)

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And wild and sweet the words repeat,
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

I thought how as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had roll'd along th' unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

Till ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

In despair I bow'd my head:
There is no peace on earth, I said,
For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men.


Anonymous said...

HIYA ASH...OMG your mind and body hit a WALL. When I stay in high gear too long, I CRASH hard to. Oh well, sounds like you had a good week and fun day in Seoul. Thanks for the fun pics and so happy you are happy. Don't worry, you'll be home before you know it. Hugs, DAD

Joanne said...

Hey Ash! Looks mighty cold! Glad yall got to have some snow! Where is Stephanie's heavy coat I mailed her? She looks like she might be a little cold!! Fun pics and glad you had a good week even though you wore yourself out! Glad you got to sleep and hopefully got rested up for this week! Have a good week and see you soon! Love ya! Mom

Anthony said...

I wish I could've gone to Seoul with y'all. Stupid migraine!