"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Open Arms

As I was hanging out with one of my kindergarten classes today, they were working on a bead activity that required a certain precision for their little hands. One of my students, Sung Seo, would get about half way through with her project, and decide to change tables. As she sat down, all the beads would move and she would have to start from square one again. I said to her, “Sung Seo, there is a better way, please be more careful,” and showed her by example the correct way. Even after I showed her the way, she continued to make the same mistake. Every time she did, she would breathe that exacerbated sigh of frustration, knowing that she had made the same mistake again. Once more, she would have to start from the beginning. I was thinking to myself, “Why hasn’t she learned that she will mess it up every time she does that? Why doesn’t she listen to my instructions?”

Reflecting on the actions of my kindergarten student, I am only reminded of myself. As I sat and watched one of my students make the same error over and over again, I can’t help but think my creator looks down on me and sees the same thing. I wonder if the Lord is thinking, “When is she going to learn? Haven’t I shown her a better way than this?” After my mistakes, I have also found myself breathing that same exacerbated sigh in frustration, knowing that I had made the same mistake again.

When will I learn that my way is never going to be the best way? Why can’t I see that the Lord has shown me the way with purpose and precision? In Proverbs 21:30 it says, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.” No matter what I do, or plan to do, I can’t compete with the Lord’s plans for me. Why do I choose to ignore his infinite wisdom and somehow justify to myself that I have it all figured out?

All I can say is that I am so grateful for new mercies everyday. I am grateful that even though I continue to make mistakes, and decide that my way is best, the Lord opens his arms wide at the end of every day. He graciously shows me the way again, knowing that I may make the mistake over and over again. What a patient and loving God we serve.


Mark C said...

Amen Amen! Very good analogy. Loved it. Padre

Bman said...

Hey ash when are you going to start writing devotionals or bible studies? great story see you soon

Joanne said...

Way to see what the Lord is trying to teach you! You're becoming very wise! Good job daughter!! Love ya and see you soon!!! mom