"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Perfect Day!

waiting for our train to Seoul station... we were on our way to Yoinaru Stn to go to Hangang Park!

the boys waiting for the train...

we found a cool sculpture? on a detour we took.

Kathy, me, Steph, and Daniel... a jumping picture of perfection

renting our bikes!!! Yay!

It's always been me and steph's dream to ride a two person bike! It really is the funnest! You're never alone! haha. So much fun!

Stopping to enjoy our picnic of sandwiches, fruit, and chips!

Eating right on the water of the Han River! So beautiful!

Kathy and Steph were spinning in excitement

Kathy got the cutest red bike ever... too bad it was rather difficult to ride

Anthony and Daniel got boy bikes.

Daniel decided to give the two seater a try

Cherry Blossoms!!! So wonderful!

Beautiful ladies with beautiful flowers :)

I really have no idea what this means?

Stephanie and Kathy rockin the two seater

We found a park on our bike ride and decided it was the perfect place to stop and have some fun!

Anthony and Stephanie jumping..

Kathy and Daniel's jumps

Grassy area full of... wait... what are these called again?

Me and Stephy

On our way back to the subway station! What a PERFECT PERFECT day!!! Definitely my favorite in Korea thus far!


Mark C said...

Awesome post! One of my favs 4 sure. I think God is showing you guys how to make the best of your situation. So glad you had such a good day. Absolutely love the jumping perfecto pic, and really all of them are mucho bueno! Yep I noticed you had the blue NF shirt on. WTG! It looks good. Got to run, love you, dado.

Anthony said...

I really like the pics. I really like the swing ones. Haha. I think Steph and Kathy were doing the "I'm a little tea pot" song in that one pic.