"But these things I plan for you won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First 2 weeks back in Korea

I'm not sure what this mysterious thing called the internet is, having been without it for so long.... but as we speak, I am posting from my desk in my cubicle. I mean, my room. (easily interchangeable). So here's an update from my first week back in Korea. More to come! I have lots to catch you guys up on!

So this is the best chocolate cake in Korea. Enough said.

Me and Carolina...

This is the new kindergarten teacher, Erin. She's from NYC. We are partners this semester... which I thought would make my life 100 times easier, but BONUS: they added another class to my schedule just in case I didn't have enough already. So now, between the two of us, we have 18 lesson plans for every two week block. It's going to be a blast since lesson planning is one of life's simple most pleasures. (I hope you can hear my sarcasm)

We found a new church, Jubilee (if you want to check out the website, it's www.myjubileechurch.com) It's an English church in Seoul. I'm so happy that I finally found a church I LOVE... just not so happy that I have to trek 45min-1hr to get there... But every week means a new adventure in Seoul. The picture above is at the mall COEX in Seoul. Caroline really really loves this actor, so she wanted her picture by him!

Erin, Caroline, and I after our first Sunday at Jubilee, AND after our first meal at On The Border. Yes, you heard me right. TexMex apparently does exhist in S. Korea. Holla!

No, these are not a joke. These are my new glasses! This is Korean style glasses. I'm such a cool Korean now. Don't worry, I won't wear them in public with you when I come back to the states. There are just too many fun things you can get away with in Korea that you can't in the States. It's the same reason I wear bows in my hair almost every day here too. Because I can.

This week we've been talking about Transportation, so we had a little relay with all the English classes. Here's some pics from the "race"

This is Caroline and her coteacher, Hae Jin helping their special needs student. I thought it was so cute!

This is my little giant, Joo Won. He seriously comes up to my chin, and he's 6. It's awesome. He's going to be like 7ft when he's grown up.

This is probably my very favorite food here in Korea. Doesn't it look delightful? The meat is called Samgyupsal, and the red stuff is Kimchi. Yummmmm

Stephanie, Kathy, and Anthony at dinner before we went to see The Proposal last Friday.

And the other side of the table. I look awful in this picture, so don't judge me.

So that's mostly what's been going on here in Kimchi land. Hope you all have a lovely day.

Oh and some song lyrics... I've forgotten to do this recently. This is a Korean song I really like :) you can find the video on youtube by clicking HERE.

사랑은 미칠듯 어지러운 기쁨
한아름 향기로 채워준 사람
그런 너를 사랑해 너를 기다려왔어
이제는 더이상 참을수가 없는 내 마음

and the translation...

Love is…those who are in love are crazy
it fills u with a joyful feeling that makes you go dizzy
I truly love you, I have been waiting for so long
now my heart can't take it anymore


Anonymous said...

Great blog update Ash! Cool pics and funny stuff. Welcome back to the www! OMG the song at the end is a hoot. It kinda has a catchy tune for sure. Oh no, it may be in my head for a while.... You are always one lesson plan away from impacting a kid for a long time. The privilege of teaching..IMPACT Good news on the church you like! Have a great rest of the week! LY dad

Joanne said...

Great pics! The cake looks really yummy, hopefully we can go eat some while we're there! Glad you finally have internet. Leanna was just saying today how you haven't had anything new up yet, so glad you have a new post. Excited about the church, guess we can go there? can't believe we'll be there in 3 weeks! So excited! Hope you've enjoyed the week off! Have fun!love ya! mom